Inside the suitcase I found a golden cd!
And a monocle. And a flute.
This CD has this cool song inside which has a lame composition. But awesome second solo done by Xenogenocide and vocals by TheBardOfBlasphemy. Check it out. Also, if you wanna be the coolest kid around the blocks of Youtube, promote it.
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I was too lazy to draw the whole thing, so there, have a fucking crappy golden cd picture.
Awesome man! I loved how you put the dreadnought pic in, because I was thinking the same thing while plotting a new case that'd look identical to the front of the dread. Fuckin' awesome work as always.
When is devourer going to be finished? Or is it dropped? It's a damn awesome preview of a song that just begs to be finished.
Rock on. \\,,//.
Yes, dreadnoughts own the living shit out of everything, and it is why I'm marketing the song with such an image :P
The Devourer will hopefully be finished when I get the time to open the god damn file (it has some serious issues so the actual opening takes a long while) and do the whole thing. I had planned for it to be around 8 minutes length. So, it might take a while since studies are currently barging in through my door :P